In 2025 the value of the minimum wage increased by 50 euros, now standing at 870 euros and, in the case of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the SMN stood at 915 euros.
But there are situations in which it is permissible to pay less than these amounts.
DECOPROteste has created a guide explaining that "it is permitted to pay less than the minimum wage in specific situations provided for in the labour law." There are, therefore, three cases in which it is possible for a worker to receive less.
Firstly, "anyone who does not work full time (for example, a part-time worker) does not necessarily receive the minimum wage", reveals DECOPROteste.
It is also 'allowed' to pay less for those doing an "internship, apprentices or graduates in a certified training situation". In these cases, "the minimum wage can be reduced by 20% for a maximum of one year."
However, DECO PROteste states that "if the worker is qualified with a technical-professional course or a course obtained in the qualifying professional training system for the respective profession, the maximum period is six months".
Finally, also in the case of "workers with reduced capacity or disability, the minimum remuneration may be reduced".
"This corresponds to the difference between full work capacity and the effective capacity coefficient for the contracted activity, if the difference is greater than 10%, even with the limit of 50%. The certification of the coefficient of effective capacity is made at the request of the worker."